See the complete cast and crew of THE MINORITY

Starring Billoah Greene as Jake Jackson
Bern Cohen as The National Enterprise Boss
Charles Gaylord as Lamar X
and Carson Grant as The Serial Killer  David Fletcher
Written & Directed By Dwayne Buckle
Produced By Josh Norton & Eva Mateova
A 360 Sound and Vision Presentation

Distributed By 360 Sound and Vision LTD.
Copyright 2023 360 Sound and Vision Entertainment - 360 Sound and Vision Productions
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An honest, hardworking man discovers the hardships of being stereotyped as a Black man in America after losing his cushy office job and suddenly being bombarded with racial biases. Jake Jackson (Billoah Greene) is one of the nicest, most decent people you'd ever hope to meet; he works hard at his job, leads a clean lifestyle, and just wants to lead a carefree life. But being comfortable in your own skin isn't always easy when it's a darker shade of brown, and after being inexplicably fired Jake begins to experience the frustration of being a minority in a racist society.  As Jake sets out in search of a new job, his eyes are suddenly opened to the bigotry all around.  Jake has worked hard to get where is today,  and all he asks in return is justice and respect.  When those things elude him, Jake begins a dark slide down the path to insanity. Only when Jake manages to capture a wanted serial killer does his luck begin to change,  but by then he has already grown bitter after seeing the true colors of the people he once trusted. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi